Build iOS Apps That Look Great Without the Extra Overhead

Our catalog of designer-created UI components is built for easy integration, so you can concentrate on coding brilliant iOS apps.

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Built for iOS Engineers

A curated, open-source directory of SwiftUI components to simplify iOS development. Get clean code and modern designs to build standout apps faster

Clean & Organized SwiftUI Code

Skip hours of UI coding with production-grade components you can instantly paste into your project. Each component uses modern SwiftUI practices for clean architecture that's easy to maintain and extend

VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
 Text("Available balance")
  HStack(spacing: 0) {
      value: balance,
      formattingStyle: .decimal
  .font(.system(.largeTitle, weight: .semibold))
Transparent Component Structure

All components follow a consistent architectural pattern with clearly identified dependencies. Modify colors, animations, or behaviors without breaking functionality

Helper Extensions
Modern Design That Stands Out

Why settle for basic UI when you can ship with designer-crafted components? Each element reflects current design trends that users instantly recognize as polished and professional

Community-Driven & Credited

Discover talented designers through our credited components. Like a particular style? Follow the included attribution to explore more of that designer's work or even connect with them for your custom projects

From Standard to Standout

Your app deserves better than standard components. Access SwiftUX and ship polished, professional UI in half the time

With SwiftUXEnhanced UI with SwiftUX